
If you found this website and are interested in becoming a patient you can book online or call (240) 389-4588 to set up a 15 minute complimentary meet & greet during which you’ll be able to speak with Dr. Virdee directly about your health concerns or goals.

You can also learn more about Dr. Virdee and browse through her educational segments. Did you know doctor originates from the latin word docere, which means “to teach”? Teaching people about their bodies and health are one of Dr. Virdee’s favorite parts of being a doctor.

Dr. Virdee is LGBTI friendly.

Dr. Virdee is a long-time member of the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians

Dr. Virdee is a member of MNDA where she is involved with legislative efforts to improve the scope of practice and access to naturopathic medicine here in Maryland.