Naturopathic Consultations - We will utilizing natural therapies including nutrition, herbal medicine, physical medicine, classical homeopathy, and functional medicine to help treat the underlying cause of your disease.

Nutrigenomic Consultations - Providing nutrient specific recommendations based on your own genetic analysis. My work is based off of my naturopathic training and continued learning through the work of Dr. Amy Yasko and Dr. Ben Lynch.

Specialized Lab Testing - I provide specialized testing that enable us to assess your health from a functional standpoint. Labs that I offer include micronutrient testing, food intolerance and sensitivity testing, adrenal stress index, the advanced cardiac assessment through Boston Heart Panel, complete gastrointestinal assessments and more. Visit the Laboratory Services page to learn more about the tests that we offer.

Acute Illness - I provide natural therapies to treat colds, flu, diarrhea and other acute illnesses. With our clinics rapid appointment time, you'll be able to be seen quicky and feel better naturally.

Intuitive Craniosacral Therapy - A gentle yet effective light touch therapy that encourages proper structure and function of the brain, nervous system and reduces pain.
